Category: IDD

Guide for Supporting Adults with IDD

adult day care member in a wheelchair with staff

Supporting Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Navigating the path of caregiving for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) requires understanding, patience, and a network of support. It’s a role that is both profoundly rewarding and uniquely challenging, requiring caregivers to wear many hats. Every individual with IDD has their own set of strengths […]

Understanding Adult Day Programs vs. Long-Term Care

adult day program members playing chess

Differences Between Adult Day Services and Long-Term Care (LTC) When seeking the best care for your loved ones, you’ve likely come across two distinct choices: adult day programs and long-term care (LTC) facilities. Both options provide essential care but cater to different needs and lifestyles. Choosing the right care setting depends on several factors, including […]

The Benefits of Day Programs for Adults with IDD

happy adults playing a board game at an adult day center

How Specialized Programs Benefit Adults with IDD In 2019, the United States was home to 7.39 million people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). However, just 19% or about 1.40 million received at least one long-term support or service. The spectrum of intellectual and developmental disabilities is broad, encompassing a wide range of needs, abilities, […]

Life After High School for Youths with IDD

student in wheelchair surrounded by friends graduating high school

Navigating New Horizons for Youths with IDD After High School Graduating from high school marks a pivotal transition for all students, yet it presents specific and significant challenges for teens and young adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). At Active Day, we understand the unique needs and potentials of each individual. We are committed […]

Brushstrokes of Healing: The Benefits of Art Therapy

adult painting artwork at a table

Exploring the Transformative Power of Art Therapy at Active Day In therapeutic practices where verbal communication often falls short in capturing the complexities of human experience, art emerges as a profound tool for expression. Art therapy blends creative processes with psychotherapeutic techniques, acting as a conduit for self-discovery, healing, and emotional understanding. Since its formal […]

Benefits of Transition Programs for Adults with Special Abilities

adult with special abilities smiling and taking a customers' order at a coffee shop

Empowering Adults with Special Abilities in the Workforce In the journey towards fostering inclusive communities, adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) face distinctive challenges. This is particularly true in the realm of employment. Achieving meaningful employment is a pathway to independence, self-esteem, and social integration for adults with IDD. By offering a supportive environment […]

The Brighter Side of Caring: The Active Day Advantage

young man with down syndrome reviewing book with tutor at adult day care center

The Brighter Side of Caring: The Active Day Advantage. Are you aware of the benefits adult day services provide seniors and adults with special abilities? As one of the nation’s leading adult day providers, Active Day has ensured quality care and support for our communities delivering services since 1989. Our mission is to create a […]
